Friday, June 4, 2010

Shy Guy Dating Tips - Ways to Break Your Shyness Around Women

I have found this great suggestions for you, guys :)
So, read carefully and post your comments

Most guys are at least a little bit shy when they are around women. However, there does get to be a point where you can be TOO shy and make yourself so uncomfortable around women that you are unable to make any move at all. If this is how you feel, then you have to be able to overcome shyness with women and really learn how to break your shyness around women.

I know, it is easier for me to say it than it is for you to do it. This is understood. However, sometimes you need to light a little fire within you so that you can get motivated to overcome your shyness with women and instead, learn how to be relaxed and comfortable, even around the prettiest women that you can find.

Here are some dating tips for the shy guy to break your shyness around women:

1. You MUST get yourself to focus on the right things. What are the right things that you need to focus on with women to get over shyness with women? For one, you cannot allow yourself to focus your thoughts on all of the bad things that can happen, like rejection from a woman. Yes, I know that rejection from women flat out sucks, but you cannot let that hold you back from ever making a move and breaking out of your shell.

2. You MUST get used to being in the company of women. Just being in and around a group of women can make you slowly transition from being shy around women into being a lot more open and relaxed when you are around a woman. One of the easiest ways for you to accomplish this is to get a group of females that you know, maybe some co-workers, and hang out with them a little more often. You might be amazed at the things that you can pick up on when you get to know women a little bit better.

3. You NEED to be able to approach a woman and not become all hesitant about it. When you hesitate, you are not just going to make it worse for yourself, but also for the woman as well. Approaching a woman is not really the hardest thing to do, but if you let yourself become too fearful of approaching women, then you are never going to realize this and get over being shy around women.

Want to know more about how you can easily get over shyness with women and instead approach women with confidence of steel?

Click Here to Get Your FREE Report on How to Attract and Seduce Beautiful Women

Copyright © 2010 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved.

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1 comment:

  1. I was agree that you must get used to being in the company of women to prevent shyness to women. :)

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